The past couple of years have been a roller coaster rise for CBD oil manufacturers. Several medical researchers have unveiled many potential benefits of consuming CBD oil through their studies, which has led patients to switch from their regular medication to CBD oil. From chronic pain to stress & anxiety, CBD oil can be used to treat a wide range of medical conditions, and diabetes is one of them.
For many years, the relation between CBD oil and diabetes was a debatable topic. While some people believed that CBD oil shows positive effects on diabetic patients, others didn’t consider it as an effective treatment for diabetes. However, recent studies have shown that CBD oil can prove to be extremely beneficial for patients suffering from diabetes.
It has been concluded that not only CBD oil controls blood sugar levels, it also boosts the growth of insulin inside the body, which reduces the risk of development of several other diabetes-related symptoms.
To help you along the way, we have decided to explain how CBD oil can prove to be an effective remedy for diabetic patients. If you have been struggling to maintain your blood sugar level, continue reading, the following blog will help you understand the potential benefits of CBD oil for diabetes.
What is CBD Oil & How it Works as an Effective Natural Remedy?
Before starting with the effects of CBD oil on diabetes, let’s first understand what CBD oil is and how it works as a natural remedy for several medical diseases.
The cannabis or hemp plant contains several chemical compounds, known as cannabinoids. CBD oil is one of these cannabinoids which is extracted from the plant through different extraction processes.
It is worth noting that CBD oil does not contain any psychoactive properties. It means that one cannot get high after consuming CBD. THC is the compound which makes the person go high and fortunately CBD oil does not contain any THC at all.
In fact, CBD oil is a completely natural medical remedy which has zero side-effects on the body. This is the reason why the majority of the doctors have started to recommend CBD oil to their patients.
CBD Oil comes in two different forms, i.e., Full Spectrum CBD oil and Isolated CBD Oil.
Along with CBD oil, The Full Spectrum variant contains several other cannabinoids as well while the isolated CBD oil only contains a full concentration of cannabidiol (CBD oil). You can consume any of the CBD oils as per the prescription, given by your physician.
Medical studies have shown that CBD oil contains anti-inflammatory properties which reduces inflammation under the skin and helps the body to recover from several diseases.
How Does CBD oil Work on Diabetes?
In the last few years, many studies have been conducted to find the effects of CBD oil on diabetes. Studies have shown that CBD oil boosts the growth of insulin, and as a result, maintains a moderate level of blood sugar levels.
People suffering from type 2 diabetes usually struggle to produce the required amounts of insulin which is why they even have to take dedicated insulin shots. However, with the consumption of CBD oil, one does not require any insulin shot.
It triggers the growth of insulin, due to which a consistent flow of insulin is maintained in the bloodstream. To understand this in a much precise manner, let’s take a look at how CBD oil boosts the growth of insulin inside the body.
The human body contains several receptors, known as neuroreceptors, which are responsible for controlling several bodily functions. Studies have shown that CBD oil directly targets these receptors due to which the growth of naturally occurring cannabinoids inside the body increases.
There are two types of cannabinoids inside the body, i.e., CB1 and CB2 receptors. The CB1 receptors are responsible for controlling the appetite while the CB2 receptors manage pain and inflammation.
The moment your body starts to produce CB2 receptors, the inflammation reduces. As a result, a normal flow of insulin inside the body is maintained, considering inflammation is the main barrier for the flow of insulin.
This is how CBD oil helps in maintaining insulin levels and diabetes. If you are also a diabetic patient, consuming CBD oil can prove to be beneficial. However, before you go out an buy CBD oil for yourself, let’s take a look at which dosage will suit your body the best.
How to Choose the Right CBD Oil Dosage?
CBD oil comes in different concentrations, ranging from as low as 150 mg to 5000 mg. However, it is worth understanding that not all concentrations of CBD oil are suitable for treating diabetes. If you want the result to appear as quickly as possible, it is important to cherry-pick the right concentration of CBD oil as per your body type.
Though the general thumb rule says to start with the lowest CBD oil concentration, especially if you are a beginner, it is a good strategy to consult a medical professional first. The doctor will perform several medical tests to suggest the right CBD oil concentration for your body.
Moreover, you can also try different CBD oil concentrations and continue with the one which delivers the most promising results. For instance, if you are just starting out with CBD oil consumption, start with 100-150 mg concentration.
In case you fail to experience any positive results, gradually increase the concentration until the expected results start to appear. This is the most suitable way to decide the right CBD oil concentration for your body.
How to Consume CBD Oil for Diabetes?
When it comes to CBD oil consumption, one can pick from a list of different consumption methods. In general, there are three different CBD oil consumption methods which can be used to consume CBD oil. These methods include
- Inhalation through Vaping
- Oral Ingestion Using Pills & CBD Oil Drops
- Topical Application through Gels and Lotions.
Each of these methods is meant to cure different medical conditions. For instance, if you are suffering from chronic pain, the best way to consume CBD oil is via topical application. You can apply the gel to the targeted area and get rid of pain instantly.
Similarly, if you are suffering from insomnia, the most suitable way to consume CBD oil is via oral ingestion. CBD oil-based pills can be consumed to improve the sleeping patterns and enjoy a good night sleep.
When it comes to diabetes, however, CBD oil can either be consumed through inhalation or oral ingestion. If you have prior experience of vaping and are comfortable with a vaping machine, vaping will benefit your body the best.
When you inhale CBD oil using a vaping machine, it quickly mixes with the bloodstream and instantly targets the receptors, which results in an instant growth of insulin inside the blood. This is why diabetic patients are always advised to consume CBD oil through inhalation.
However, if you are a novice, and have never used a vaping machine before, you can also stick to the traditional method of oral ingestion. In such a scenario, you can simply consume CBD oil-based pills. Though, oral ingestion is the slowest method as it can take up to several hours before CBD oil reaches the blood.
Wrapping Things Up
CBD oil can be used to cure a wide range of medical conditions and fortunately, diabetes is one of them. Being completely natural, CBD oil doesn’t have any side-effects like medication. If you are a diabetic patient, consuming CBD oil will help you control the insulin levels inside the body. As a result, the blood sugar levels will be maintained at a moderate level.